Thursday 14 April 2022

Takeaways from Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates

The rage that lives in all African Americans, a collective feeling of disgrace that borders on self-hatred.

This one reninds me of Toni Morrison and Marlon James, this rage that appears in their work that I don't understand but can recognize. 

Listening to . . . Things that I could have explored in my lost years, mourning, hoping that I and all my wonder, my long lost friend, have not yet run out of time though I know that we all run out of time and some of us run out of it faster.

This I identify with, the longing to not have your sense of wonder exhaust, though I had just the kind of life he's talking about here where you get to travel and go to college and be young for longer. The idea of engaging with joy and wonder like a long lost friend. 

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